
By CleanSteve

Robin in a rush

I had a trying day as a special delivery had been arranged for sometime between 7am and 2pm.  I duly stayed in and tried to keep busy although I really needed to be out and about.  At 1-30pm I had a call to say they would be late, probably arriving before 3pm, so I decided to get some lunch.  Then I took the opportunity to go out to the cabin as the sun was shining and thought I could get yet another bird blip from the feeding tray which I duly filled.

I hung about for ages but there were few takers other than countless tits.  Eventually some long-tailed tits came in a small flock and were quite amusing.  A bullfinch came close by in a small thick shrub but didn't come out to feed.  A blackcap, blackbird and dunnock also came close without posing for me.

It was left to this robin, a breed of bird that isn't normally thought to like bird feeders, to give me a blip.  It jumped onto the rim and as it bent down to grab a suet pellet, it opened its wings for stability before flying quickly away.  I was pleased to see that the backlight of the sun hadn't blown out its wings, even though the iso was very high, because I'd set it to automatic to catch a bird in flight.

The delivery arrived at about 5-30pm!  I  had to leave at 6-30pm for my evening meeting, which lasted till nearly 10pm, which is why I'm blipping a bit late tonight.

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