
I am wondering why things always happen when one goes away ....for no matter how long.
When we got back there was some devastation in our little back garden...there must of been some very strong winds....and well yeah! quite a mess to clear up.
That was our job for today.........which made my back and sciatica flare up again this afternoon....jeez!
We found some very hungry grasshoppers....I had to laugh as I saw one sitting on a leaf that had been munched within an once of its was licking its lips...I am sure. I made them pose for me in payment....I kinda liked this one of the rascal checking me out.

Missed the full moon this month....I was so ready to take some full moonrise shots....but alas the cloud cover is so thick...this afternoon also...just one big grey blanket.

“If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,

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