Weeds and Water

I didn't feel much like leaving home today....just somedays it is important to stay within the confines of the womb...for me anyway.

I really got a lot done though and managed to take care of a lot of things that needed my attention....it's amazing how quickly the day goes...my head could spin right off just watching the hands of the clock tick by.

What to Blip? always a dilemma when I don't get out and about. I decided on an image that was indicative of the day which went as fast as weeds grow with brief visits from the rain clouds. By the time I finished faffing around (Flynn thought it very funny to see Nanny with her head torch on) I might of well gone down to the beach for a long walk or spent the time visiting your journals...which I have been very remiss in doing of late...as I have mentioned before...my loss.
Oh this looks so much better the bigger you go.

(having a bit of a love affair with Longfellow at the mo)

“For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is let it rain.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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