Water Cascade

A lazy day today after the last couple of days doing the loft ladder at our daughter's house.

Chucked some towels in the washer,  and watched a couple of 'Craftsy' lessons about portrait photography and Lightroom post processing. Quite interesting.

Then I made a batch of curried parsnip soup for the next couple of days lunches and roasted a turkey drumstick to use as a pie filling for tea tonight.

Quick sandwich for lunch and then out for our walk. Rather dull and misty and it started to rain just after we set off.

Stopped to photograph this little cascade in the beck in the woods. The long exposure had smoothed out the water - so some of the vegetation under the water is visible. Also there is a twig sticking out of the water in the top right which was moving back and forth - it shows as a bit of a ghostly blur.

I also flipped this photo so the water is flowing left to right - for some reason it seems look different (maybe as our eyes tend to 'read' left to right??). The non-flipped shot is  here.

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