Newton Kyme Viaduct

A trip to the tip this morning to dispose of a large quantity of cardboard boxes and a small box full of dead batteries and lamp bulbs - yay excitement!

I took Finlay with me - who wasn't impressed as he couldn't see me over the back seat full of boxes! He grumbled all the way there.  On the way back we stopped off in Thorp Arch Village and walked down to see this old viaduct over the river Wharfe. I haven't walked down this path before  so it was nice to see something new.

This old viaduct (10 arches) was built to carry the Harrogate to Church Fenton railway line but sadly has fallen into disrepair and now appears to have bits dropping off it.

It was interesting to see the 'tide  mark' of rubbish left behind after the recent floods - where I was standing to take this had been about three feet under water!

The light was completely flat so I opted to do a three shot HDR. The full size image does not stand up to scrutiny as there are some horrid chromatic aberrations - but it doesn't look to bad at blip size. Not sure why this happened!

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