Do I? Or don't I?!

Catablog 4!!

"Do I or don't I?" That's all I've heard all day! My Lady In Waiting has spent all day washing and ironing, and then going through a mountain of clothes trying to decide what to pack for the weekend. "Do I take these boots or don't I? Do I take this jumper or don't I?" I don't know! It's so much simpler only having one fur coat to worry about!!

Having said that, I've had one of those days too! It was another cold, frosty morning so I decided to find a warm, cosy spot to take a catnap. But I found myself saying, "Do I curl up on my favourite cosy cushion, super-heated by the hot water pipes underneath, or don't I?" As you can see, I felt rather indecisive (like my LIW!!) and ended up going for half and half!!

My LIW has asked me to tell you that she has bought some sort of new gadget to upload photos to her shiny new ipad so she is hoping to carry on blipping when she heads off for the weekend tomorrow. However, she apologises in advance if she doesn't manage to keep up with her blips and comments, but will catch up when she gets home.

More importantly, you'll be pleased to hear that she has made sure that my food cupboard is well stocked with fishy and tasty treats to keep me going while she is away. Now do I fancy another catnap? Or don't I?!!

=^.^= Toffee

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