Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


My daughter does not like cinemas. In fact she has a bit of a phobia about them. In the past when she has been DESPERATE to go (i.e. The Simpsons Movie) we have had to loiter outside whilst the ads are on, then dash in with a coat over her head, and dash out immediately the film finished. 

So today it was kill or cure time. We went to The Showcase in Leeds and were lucky enough to have the auditorium to ourselves. She was fine - nervous at first but the popcorn and Revels helped. We saw Big Hero 6, which was a really lovely film and we both sobbed our hearts out loudly! Marvellous. Plus we saw loads of trailers for films she thinks she might be brave enough to see. 

A successful day, and now for the Friday night vino!

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