Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Dirty Dog

The muddy puddle is totally irresistible.

This morning I have been to see my lovely hairdresser Deon (how could he ever have done another job with that name?) who has restored me to being a redhead. We had a long chat, ranging from how to calculate the median from a frequency table, Inheritance Tax and the devaluation of manual work in society. I don't think we even got onto holidays.

Working this afternoon to catch up - sorry I am behind with journals and being a rubbish Blipper!

Latest HMRC madness; after 30 minutes on hold I told the person who finally came on the line that we have received a tax code for a doctor who does not work for us. Her response - "what do you intend to do with it?".
"ermmm, I'm ringing to ask you that"

"oh no, we have to ask you what your intentions are"

"well, I'm going to display it in the window"


"or maybe throw it in the bin"

So she said '"ok, I'll make a note of the incident"

Me - "you haven't asked me the name of the person"

"you said it was a doctor"

Oh well that narrows it down a bit.

I swear they will send me to an early grave.

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