Look, no hands

Not the best night, certainly not helped by Munchie waking at 4:45!

Went to toddler dance, munch loves if. Her BFF came along too which made it even better for her. Popped to green shop (waitrose) to pick up few supplies, both children fast asleep in car. Both children duely put into beds for sleep. Woke munch up after an hour to try and avoid another v early start.

Big brother came over, lovely to see how much more confident Munchie is around him, they all had a blast. I managed a sneaky snooze on the sofa.

Went for a walk this afternoon, bit if a fail as the path was under water - to be precise frozen solid. Munch enjoyed throwing sticks onto it, Wom just enjoyed giggling at her.

He pulled himself up onto the sofa again tonight, then proceeded to wave when I picked up my phone. There were tears when he fell down onto his bottom!

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