I'm not sleeeeeeeeepy

Daddy was fab yesterday evening and equally fab during the night. I went to Wom around midnight and got him back to sleep, daddy did the 3am cuddles, milk was deployed and Wom did end up in our bed, but I didn't have to get out of bed.

Munchie woke at 5! Hideous

Daddy took Munchie swimming, followed by trip for fuel as daddy was running on vapours, followed by trip through the car wash which resulted in daddy losing a wing mirror. Cue unhappy daddy.

Munchie crashed on the sofa so womsie, Munchie and I all had sofa time. Grandma came over this morning to look after me, entertain etc.


Playing, added in with tantrums from Munchie as she was still tired, womsie was just happy. Daddy stopped work at three, took Munchie to gym, let me have thirty minute snooze on sofa. I did tea.

Ocado was late, the guy said he'd been given thirty minutes to get from Bham to us, it's an hour at the best if times. He was so apologetic. Felt sorry for him.

Munch was soooo tired. We watched bing then read her new bung books. She was so excited. She fell asleep on my lap during story.

Plans for tomorrow all changed.
Swimming has become dance
Seeing cousins has become hopefully seeing my brother

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