
By dwalletta

German Mustard

First up was lunch with two blippers who had come from afar - the lovely Steffi from Bavaria, and the not quite so lovely Rex who'd travelled all the way from Fife. We were joined by the elusive Herr Steffi, who turned out to be a secret service agent, just as I had long suspected. And who took the worst photos ever taken before on my camera. Danke schön.

Then I nipped round the corner to Stills Gallery, for a preview of their latest exhibition, Leap in Time, featuring the work of two German photojournalists. It looks good, but needs to be revisited when it's not so busy, and the gallery's enthusiastic and mustard-jacketed director isn't jumping up and down in front of the photos.

(I'm chuffed with this link, which includes mention of yellow mustard, and features Rex pretending to be German).

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