
By AnneILM60

Interesting night sky

I had my blip all planned out and then Kent and I did a quick trip to the "home place" and back to drop some things off for his siblings.  On the drive home we saw such great skies.

Mrs Cardinal was to have been my blip originally.  I sat outside in the freezing cold until my good right hand (holding the camera) got as numb as my bad left hand!  I wanted to see just what variety of birds I could capture around the feeder. Mr Cardinal and the tufted titmouse.  One even pose nicely on the wire!  A wren and a chickadee.  I'm not sure who this is as haven't seen him about before and didn't manage a good look at him.  I also saw a robin.

I played ball with Whitey, while Peace sat and watched.  Neenah had better sense and napped on her chair!

Despite the below freezing temperatures last night, it appears it won't be long before I have daffodils in by backyard - maybe one tomorrow!

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