Protect Me

"Mummy, Mummy, those other dogs are being mean to me."

They weren't but she still thought she was safest between my feet.

We met up with Sarah and Sebastian today at Sumner.  We had coffees for the grown ups and chips and iceblock for the child.  Sebastian is actually scared of dogs but he's getting pretty confident with Fleur (standard poodle) and Jasper.

A walk along the beach was a must, and while Sarah and I meandered along with Jasper, Adrienne took Fleur and Sebastian for a play in the sea.

From there I would have gone to visit Mum in hospital again, but she was discharged and off home this morning.  Instead we went across to Ilam to go visiting.  Another coffee was required of course.  

In the afternoon we went to a movie.  It seemed a nice way to relax on a long weekend.  I rarely get to the movies and there were a few I wanted to see.  In the end we opted for "Wild", which was well worth the time and entry fee.  

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