
By robpal79

The Lizard

This is a painting inspired by a photo I took in early December.  So in the Houston Press, I just read an article about the green lizards that the residents of Houston used to watch their children play with in the lawn.  They were a cool lime green with a white belly and blue around their eyes.  They were slow, and you could easily catch them.  Sometime around 1979 a new breed, sort of like invasion of the lizard snatchers, spawned and began to overtake the original species.  The differences were, the new breed could adapt its color to its surroundings and moved at lightening speed.  The green lizards were forced up into the tree tops.  Children stopped playing with the lizards because none of the new breed could be caught.  I found it fascinating.

So I haven't seen one green lizard since my family moved to Houston.  So guess who gripped onto the back of my moving van and road with me to my new pad across town?  This guy.  I decided to not paint him green but use every color of the rainbow to make a point about our world.  Please stop fighting and killing each other off.  Some are faster, some are more adaptable.  But don't push people out away from the children and their homes.  Please lets find love in our hearts before its too late.  I spent almost half my life thinking only of myself.  This period I've spent in virtual solitude has forced me to see beyond the nose on my face.

I am no one.  Just a druggie ex-hooker, who can't seem to get his life together and is constantly disappointing everyone.  But my heart aches for the world.  I love this planet so much.  So much so that I basically stopped following the rules.  I just wanted to be in the world.  Experience people, travel, food, and letting my brain soak up the sun.  I've had the the time of my life and I love that my little green friend helped me move.  I'm glad I had a four legged friend to lend a hand and raise my spirits.

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