A MIMent In Time

By justmim

365th little MIMent


Number 365 :] may not quite have been in a year, but we're here!

Last night I spent a wee while looking back over some of my old blips, as I do now and again...

There was a shaky beginning.

There's been some gaps (mostly around about this time last year and the following few months!).

There's been a LOT of Edinburgh snaps.

Quite a few pictures of mugs, too!

An SP eye or two.

Many a camera phone late-night panic...

There's been some that have been hard to look back on.

Occasionally they have been outlets for grumpiness.

Many have served as reminders of simple, little happy memories.

Oh...and I quite like pretty little flowers!

And most of them accompanied with my silly ramblings!

It's been fun and I definitely plan on trying to keep it up over this year :] Not just for the photography element, for having a place to collect memories - a place to go back to again and again to look back on all those little (and sometimes big!) moments that could so easily be forgot :]

Thank you, blip!

Today I am thankful for...:
-short work shifts!
-blue sky
-photographs :]

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