The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Panic over (ish)

Well I'm up and running again! Thank goodness I backed up so recently!

Call me an old cynic but I would suggest it's better to phone Apple support first thing on a Saturday rather than last thing on a Friday! The Friday chap 'started' to erase the disk and then told me it could take a long time, so I was to ring back if I needed help transferring the external HD back on to the computer after it had erased ..

I left my computer 'erasing' all night - and was no more convinced that it was doing its thing this morning than I had been last night. 

When the girl helped me this morning the disk was erased, literally, in under five seconds!! 

Anyway everything is reinstalled .. but irony of ironies I don't seem to have upgraded the bl**dy system after all, which was the whole point of the exercise! Grrrrrr ...

Anyway ..  I have a new camera and lens so I went out for a play. In spite of the fact that the long lost foxy visited  the garden again today I'm blipping a lovely grey partridge as I so seldom see them.

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