The start of my last week of my twenties

P's pox have multiplied over night and she has loads on her face now. A bit of Piriton and a good covering in Calamine have stopped the itching for most of the day. She has taken a turn this evening though and is very itchy and unhappy. It's hard to see her in so much discomfort. I think we may need to up the anti tomorrow and try some other remedies.

We've spent the day at home again. Mr J popped out to the shops and came back with a lovely bunch of roses for P which she was really chuffed with. The ball pool has made a reappearance and has kept them both occupied for awhile along with several DVDs. Little man is really enjoying drawing at the moment and spent ages creating his master piece this afternoon. He also pointed to a cat in a book when asked "where's the cat?" He then repeated several times saying "ka ka".

This time next week I will be officially old. Help I don't want to be 30....!

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