Steady Sunday

5years 110days 

I haven't left the house today - yet it has been a busy day. Katie's had fun. We got up quite early. She did some playing while I did some work sewing. She was really keen to go to church so I found her a lift with some friends. She came home with an excellent pile of crafts and drawings - and a flump. She arrived just as my second session was leaving, which meant we got to spend a couple of hours pottering together. Mid afternoon some friends arrived with their girls, who we know from ballet. They wanted some Frozen photos done and then they stayed for a fab play and snack. Katie and the girls played wonderfully and were all rather sad at home time. Katie and I spent some time doing a bit of writing about Facts About America. She liked that the president lives in the White House. Top Gear in Australia and snuggles ended the day for her. She was happy. 

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