
By Farmerboab

Sunday service....

A day of less work than there should have been. All went for a family lunch with Mrs Farmerboabs brother and family, all thanks to my favourite Mother-in-law who was treating everyone.
Junior needed dropped off in town afterwards,so had a wee walk round Morningside. Spotted a sports jacket for £17 in one of the charity shops. After Mrs Farmerboab stopped laughing, she decided it was too big for me. At that price,I could have worn 2 jumpers to make it fit !
Also spotted several cameras for about £20. Although they were decent makes,they were proper film cameras,so no use for blipping.
On the way back to the car,we passed St Peter's Catholic church. I had a feeling I was being watched from above,and I was right !
It was a beautiful building,so I was amazed when I looked it up later that it was only built in 1907. Just goes to show you can't trust architecture,as it looked a lot older than that.

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