Skip's Blips

By Skip

Celebrating a long relationship

By taking this photo today, Bob and I are celebrating a relationship that began the evening we met. The date was April 6, 1957. The place was a fraternity party at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. In suggesting this Valentine's Day challenge, the Blip Blog said, "We want you to share the moment that cemented your relationship," and also "share one thing that you wished you knew then that you know now." Bob and I formalized our relationship on November 27, 1959, when we said our marriage vows at Slate Ridge Presbyterian Church in Cardiff, Maryland. That was the easy part. It happened in a moment...two moments actually, when we each said, "I do." However, we are still in the process of cementing our relationship. That is not something that happens in a moment. Cementing a relationship takes time. It is an ongoing process that requires patience, forgiveness, understanding, cooperation, respect for each other, and a healthy dose of humor. It is fun and rewarding, but it is also hard work. It would have been nice to realize that right from the beginning, but the younger Bob and Carolyn, only 24 and 22 years old when we said those vows, didn't really understand that. We have learned it in the 55 years since that day

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