
It was almost an embarrassing moment...misreading a text because I didn't put my glasses on...again!!! I've taken a close up photo I can see all the scratches on the lenses. 

Just as I finished typing this the ad for Vision Express came on the TV.....spooky! That reminds me of a dream I had the other night that also coincided with something on TV. I was writing an email to a friend about a strange dream I'd had where I was in an unfamiliar house with people I think I knew. I saw a very straggly looking blue budgie and suddenly remembered it was my pet. I couldn't remember when I had last fed the poor thing and I was really upset. I coaxed it onto my shoulder and was about to feed it when my cat pounced from behind and sank her teeth into it before I could do was horrible. The link with the television programme is...there was a police drama on and the man in it was called Budgie!! 

I've set myself a little challenge. I found 28p in coins on the way to work so I've decided to see how much I can find over the week. Yes, I am that sad :)

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