A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Oops. I have only just realised that 'Mono Monday' has a theme each week. Better late than never, right?

Today was part 2 of Thursday's too slow training course. Unfortunately it was no better. Helpful, yes, but too drawn out. It sounds like they are taking our feedback on board though so hopefully it will help in the future. Thankfully, long as it was, I once again had the company of colleagues so it certainly wasn't lonely!

After a chance meeting on the stairs I had lunch & a walk with Heather. Oh how I am going to miss bumping into her & Mairi next year!

I'm at the point now where I really need to sit down & plan my thesis* before it starts to run away with me. Which I fear it may already be doing. Trouble is, every time I think about what I am writing I question it all the more and end up in knots. It is the nature of the beast, I suppose.

*I am increasingly using the T word in sentences now, I am beginning to feel the need to think of a pet name for it. Answers on the back of a postcard, please!

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