Swimmers' Log Book


Catch it before it falls

Year 6 School Journey - Day 1
So far so good. Coach journey was uneventful, unless you count the countless "are we nearly there yet"s, and we arrived at our adventure camp in Suffolk (can't be more specific, I'm afraid) shortly before lunch.

Time to settle in, quick tour and to the "Trough" to eat. Filled up on fish and wedges with salad then spent the afternoon shooting (archery) and crate climbing. More food (chicken and potatoes plus chocolate brownies/eclairs for pud), tuck shop for daily sugar rush, followed by campfire and yes, you've guessed it, marshmallows!

Fair to say I'm now stuffed and rather tired.
Am sitting outside the boys' rooms monitoring noise levels. So far my regular sshhh's seem to be keeping chatter to a reasonable whisper. I'm sure I'll be asleep before they all are though.

Night night to my own, miss you. x

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