Twice bittern

Today we went to the RSPB's wonderful reserve at Minsmere. The weather was kind - warm, blue skies and a slight breeze that kept it comfortable. I had hoped that I might be able to blip a numbered bird, but a water rail that I would have liked a shot of just scuttled across too quickly, so I'm having to settle for this strange bird, which I have already blipped at a great distance at RSPB Old Moor. The Minsmere bitterns are less elusive and particularly recently have been putting on a bit of a show in front of the new and rather wonderful Island Mere Hide. At this time of year they are booming - a noise rather like someone blowing across the top of a bottle.
We also got good view of a number of majestic marsh harriers, avocets, and common terns to name just a few of the many birds seen.

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