
We did a big shop this morning so hopefully we will have most of the food we need for our stay, excluding meals out and maybe the odd local delicacy.
This afternoon we had a walk down to the sea. Although our cottage is not far from the coast, there is no direct footpath so getting to it involves a drive or a pleasant walk. The weather today has promised but not delivered and it is pretty windy. Today's walk was less productive in terms of wildlife - although there was plenty of corvid action - mixed flocks of crows rooks and jackdaws. I haven't blipped a rook yet so expect one soon as there are plenty around here but I'm sure I can get a better photo than I managed today. The photo is typical of the heathland here known as The Sandlings. . There is a saying that when gorse is in flower, kissing is in season - it flowers almost all year round, but at the moment, the yellow blooms are particularly vibrant and light up the area.

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