…..of a great job to be doing in the cold and damp weather but I guess someone has to do it!

Just before I met my friend, Linda for a coffee, I was looking in the window of Eggilicious, a "takeaway" near the coffee shop when the lady inside beckoned me in and asked if I was the one in the newspaper article yesterday.  It transpired she recognised me from another coffee shop I used to go to, just round the corner,  so we had a good chat and she suggested I called in on Friday to see the owner, who would be happy to put some food on a plate so that I could take a photograph for my blip!  I might just do that.

Had a good time with Linda at Balula's - and as we wandered round the deli part of the shop after our coffee, the owner asked if we would like to try a sample of the chocolates on show.  Well, who could refuse and I thought it would be rude to do so!  The salted caramel chocolate truffle was delicious, so I have told Mr. HCB and suggested he could buy me a box although I know they wouldn’t last long in this house!  

After that we both went to see the different foods that Eggilicious prepares and Linda was very interested as they have quite a large vegetarian range.  Armed with a leaflet, we said we would come back sometime for lunch and as I was there, I couldn’t resist putting up one of my Post-it Notes.   Before we left I picked up a card for Chris, who is a painter and decorator, and Adam, the young man who was serving said that it was his dad and he was working just down the road.  

So - with my mind on getting a blip, off I went and introduced myself to Chris - he said that he doesn't actually advertise, gives out cards and gets jobs by "recommendation only" and said that he would give me a good price - so that sounds good.  I told him I usually did the decorating, but my knees weren’t the best at the moment and as Mr. HCB will soon be working full-time in the garden, Chris could be a useful person to know.

The building he was painting is an shop situated in Old Town, which has sadly been neglected over the years.  He told me when we were chatting that it had taken him at least three days to rub down and prepare the woodwork ready for painting, and of course, it’s not the best time to be doing it.  I was impressed that he was so enthusiastic, as was the man who was working with him - and he said that it would soon look much better.  I will be interested to see.  

Need to get ready now to take my friend, Caroline, out for coffee this afternoon - it's hard work being retired!!

Enthusiasm spells the difference 
between mediocrity 
and accomplishment.
Norman Vincent Peale

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