We invited our older grandson, to the Swindon Designer Outlet for coffee and cake today, as tomorrow is his 19th birthday. In the event, he had a toasted sandwich and a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows, but he was happy with that. I did tell him that I nearly brought candles with me, but they wouldn't have looked that good on a toastie - I think Harry was rather glad I didn't bring them!

Told him his penance for being late (aren't all teenagers late?) was to be my blip for the day, so he and Mr. HCB agreed, and here they are enjoying their drinks.

Always good to celebrate a birthday, another milestone, and to hear what grandchildren have been doing and today was no exception. H. is in his final year of a plumbing course, so we are hoping he will get a job when he finishes in May/June.

We parted company and then Mr. HCB and I walked through the Outlet, which is housed in the beautifully renovated Grade II Listed Buildings of the Great Western Railway Works, and is one of the largest covered designer outlets in Europe.

On the way to the bus stop, and going through the maze of buildings, Mr. HCB was able to give me a running commentary on what each building used to be, as he had started his working life in 1957 as an office boy in the Drawing Office. Of course, he was at everyone's beck and call but I think he enjoyed it, especially going to the cafeteria to get cakes for everyone each morning!

After a year as an office boy, Mr. HCB became an apprentice fitter, turner, erector and worked in most departments of the Railway Works. As we passed one building, he told me that it was known as "the Scraggery" where he used to make nuts and bolts from rough metal forgings, the process being known as "scragging". I had never heard the word before, in fact, I hadn't heard very much about Mr. HCB's working life in the railways until today - we really must write down some of his stories!

All in all, a great afternoon and enjoyed by us all. I think we should go shopping at the Designer Outlet more often so that we can relive more of Mr. HCB's memories but I'm not sure he would agree!

Thank you for your kind comments, good wishes, stars and hearts for my clematis yesterday - I am still trying to be sensible so am doing very little commenting.

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