Gone fishing

I have a superbly crisp and clear picture of a robin but I really couldn't resist this shot of the kingfisher, complete with fish.

It's not half term in Staffordshire, so it was safe to go to the Wolseley Centre. It was wonderfully peaceful.  I strolled around the farthest point but it was getting rather muddy. On my way back to paparazzi alley (where the kingfisher spotters set up shop with their long lenses and tripods) I spoke to a lovely couple with their dog. They said they'd seen the kingfisher, quite close up, as he flew along the river.

I went over to the usual spot (where I notice they now have CCTV cameras - I'm pleased) and it was deserted.

Deserted, that is, apart from the resident robin. He flew down and posed - and posed.  And hinted.  And posed again and looked really rather fed up.

Sorry - I don't have any seeds with me.
He was NOT amused.  (I nearly blipped his expression)

A big group with lots of toddlers arrived and they supplied the seeds. Two sparrows and three robins arrived and one nearly landed on a tiny boy. He was a bit stunned, but OK.

They left. I took some nice wren shots and then a bird that I have yet to identify (my book isn't detailed enough).

And then I saw the flash of blue. I waited and it returned. I pointed in his direction and took five shots. He's in all five. Just the odd pixel, but in this one, where he has just perched, you can see the fish he's about to enjoy.

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