
By cowgirl

Snowdrops at dusk

I meant to arrive earlier to mum's as I knew I wanted to blip her snowdrops, but this morning's chores were knocked back an hour by a long phone call to our utility supplier to find out why they still hadn't taken us on at the new house. It's supposed to take 2 - 3 weeks, and we began the switch over on Dec 22nd. I've now been told it will be the 18th of Feb. The reason it's taken so long? Because I did it over the phone with an actual human being, rather than doing it online. If you talk to a real person, your application goes to the ' back office ', which must be very far back, as it then takes almost two freakin' months to get sorted! How I kept my temper ... actually, I didn't keep my temper, but I did keep my language very lady like, although it was a struggle.

Anyway, I arrived at mum's when the already rubbish light was fading, so have had to play about with the photo for a while to produce anything half decent.

I hope your days have had better light and better service from your energy supplier!

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