My 365 Photo Challenge

By Sarahsblips

Where's wally?

I know I'm pretty behind on things but I have just turned my calendar over to feb and spent some time trying to find wally! :) I won't tell you where it is and give it away!

Great day at work today things are starting to fall into place and I got to put the robot on for a wash for the first time :D

Also managed to work out how to clock my hours on the agency system tonight too! Earnt more in the last few days than half a months wages at my last job! It isn't about the money for me I love the job and would have taken it at minimum wage but it is a feeling of relief that I don't have to worry about money so much. I will still be thrifty and careful but being able to make my bills and save up some money will put my mind at ease. I know there are many out there that can't do this so I'm counting my blessings tonight!

I am off to have a bath whilst watching the very long shaytards blog from their visit to playlist live in Orlando :) bliss!

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