
WE visited the exhibition of textile art at the Scottish Ornithologists’ centre in Aberlady and marvelled at the variety of work based on nature done by the embroiderers.  There were so many pieces that I would have loved to have bought if I had the money and space. 

Later while walking along the shore of Aberlady Bay I regretted that I had forgotten the binoculars to watch the hundreds of birds grazing on the mud at the low tide.  At one time this was an important busy harbour and large ships were able to dock and load wool, grain and hides and unload imports like timber.  It was designated as the port of the county town of Haddington five miles away and remained important until the bay started to silt up and now there are only the remains of a few wooden hulls which can just be seen in the distance.  Even this small boat looks as if it would not be safe to use.

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