Letters Home
I mentioned some time ago that my mother, when making what was probably her first patchwork project, had used all sorts of different papers for the backing pieces, including old letters. Some of these were from me, I think dating from the mid-1970's. She didn't finish this, leaving a pile of prepared hexagons, a few joined and a big central section completed. She abandoned this to make beautiful quilts for each of her four grandchildren and for my father.
I have decided to try to make something of what she left as the Flumlet needs a playmat for his visits here. I have no idea what pattern Mum had in mind, the colours are rather dull, the outer pieces seem randomly placed but it is too far advanced to make significant changes; I tried unpicking a couple of seams and it took such a long time, they were so well stitched. I do have more interesting and suitably coloured fabrics to make up any shortfall but they'll have to go near the edge, which is a shame.
I'll battle on: it may turn into a throw for a spare room if nothing else, but it will be a team effort with Mum: she'd have liked that.
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