Heron at dawn
Woke up early so decided it was a good day to get some sunrise photos. There was a cloud bank to the east which delayed things by half an hour which was helpful as I had trouble getting the camera on the tripod in the dark. Then took 100's of images trying all different settings.
There were spoonbills flying in; pied stilts having a korero (talk) ; juvenile seagulls going crook at their mother so she left; and the odd heron. Very noisy and very active.
I chose a view to the south with a dropping tide and apricot water with just one heron beginning his day.
I need to read up on taking sunrises and dawn photos to make a better job for tomorrow.
- 16
- 3
- Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
- 1/80
- f/8.0
- 18mm
- 1250
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