What Big Feet You Have

It's the sun that brought this Key West gecko out to crawl up our wall and provide me with shadows to blip when life provided other more important and immediate distractions.

One of these was the weekly shop, when counting to ten is of paramount importance in enabling a return to the Dower House in the same car as His Lordship.
Let me just say that 50 years experience of shopping and packing bags is of naught once one is accompanied by a man of retiral age who considers he has perfected the art in a fifth of the time.
In fact so much so, that my place is to stand at the check out looking as if I'm out with my carer, or be banished to the car to await the arrival of the said bags.

I'm not sure why I regard this as an insult to my intelligence and capabilities- I should be grateful that I am at least able to roam the aisles, chose the food I am allowed to cook and put it in the basket rather than shop from a man-list which has been prepared beforehand and which would be adhered to rigorously.

The members of my book group were gentle with me last night regarding the book of my suggestion and the meringues served afterwards were a delicious delight defying description.

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