Red is for Red Pepper

If someone with the culinary talents of Mary Berry suggests adding half a red pepper to the ingredients for butternut squash soup, then who am I to raise an eyebrow.
I must say that the resulting soup with a little added curry powder tastes pretty delicious even if I say it myself. It will do nicely for lunch tomorrow with Glasgow daughter and the grandchildren.

Other than making soup and cleaning bathrooms, there is not much of interest in my life today.  Yesterday's sniffles have more or less disappeared which leaves me wondering if I am lucky or the viruses are just retreating to regroup and launch a fresh attack in due course.

With His Lordship having deserted the Dower House  to have lunch in town with his brother, I must appear very sad if the highlight of my day is getting the knitted rabbits, who graced these pages a few weeks ago, ready for their journey back to Glasgow with Nina.

It seemed a much more interesting day for the University students in my extra image, who were having a sit out under a red flag in the doorway of the Charles Stewart building. It was a bit unclear what the motive was , but I think it had to do with fossil fuels.
This building used to be the University Staff Club where I and my children whiled away many a Saturday lunch time in another life

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