Backblipping this, I know I was really busy yesterday. But right now I can't think of one useful thing I did during the day. CarbBoy left for a sleepover at the end of the road, and TallGirl was sick all day.
Oh now I remember: gardening. After another lovely lunch outside, during which a layer of clothing was shed, I decided to forgo the planned afternoon curtain making in favour of dragging heavy stuff around the garden. Eventually more layers were shed than was strictly seemly, but we all had very helpful amounts of vitamin D to show for the day (21 degrees when I looked at the thermometer in the afternoon - which is fine by me, though the snow still on the ground looked a little out of place).
Later, after Mr B had put his clothes back on, steak and chips for dinner (as compensation for the beef-allergic child being out of the house) and much TV.
As Mr B was making dinner, I was free to finally get on with making this year's limoncello. Six weeks to go...
The recipe only uses the peel, so there was much lemon juice to be had. TallGirl gulped down about a lemon's worth as a health drink (we've run out of vitamin tablets) and I was persuaded to reprise a cocktail we used to enjoy: absolut vodka mixed 50:50 with lemon juice. Mr B is convinced that it will kill the bugs in my throat that (though I don't yet feel ill) he is certain he can see in my eyes.
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