
By Madchickenwoman

In love again!

My Labyrinth chandelier is hanging! I absolutely love it - as I have from the first moment I saw them displayed at the Bovey Tracey Contemporary Craft Festival last year. They simply took my breath away with their beauty, and when I touched it and it moved, and the glass tinkled,I'm not ashamed to say it made me cry. I have marvelled, loved and thought many things aesthetically pleasing, but I have never cried at a piece of Art in true awe and sheer love of its beauty. So it was a done deal that I was going to buy one!
It took just under 2 hours to hang - mostly due to fiddly bits by the electrician from the village, who is now living in my terrace - handy! He's done work for me before and is faultless and lovely too! Sylvie even gave me a bottle of Prosecco to drink when I sat and admired (cried) at it in the eve. I am only the second person to have purchased one! I think there are going to be many more people who will buy one from her because they are pure works of Art and she is delightful!
So once they had left  I decluttered the room a little, cleaned the mirror and then set about photographing it. It is on a dimmer switch so the permutations in colour are endless!! This is going to afford me much pleasure in trying to capture it, and it's not easy as I have not done much indoor photography and don't know what the best settings on my camera are!!! So this and these are what I have managed so far ( from its arrival to it hanging!) - you will be seeing a lot more I think!!!

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