Brick walls ....

sometimes you come up against them, literally and metaphorically.

“Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect. We take what we get and are thankful it's no worse than it is.” 
― Margaret MitchellGone with the Wind

Meanwhile in other news ... I heard today that recent plans are all now settled and I am off to the States next Tuesday - a six day visit to Savannah College of Art and Design, to be shown their undergraduate and graduate programmes and resources.  A few days in Atlanta and then Savannah.    This opportunity only arose on Tuesday - so there has been a flurry of emails between here and there.  Not looking forward to the journey,  but very much looking forward to seeing Atlanta and Savannah (again).  I attended a course  in Savannah in 2001 and spent three weeks in Atlanta twenty years ago!  

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