Feels like starting over

Although I haven't mentioned it until now, I got a surprise email ten days ago from the university where I was studying for my M.A. until abandoning it during the final stage - the dissertation - when Dad became ill in the late Spring of 2014 when suddenly, nothing else mattered.  Submission deadlines came and went and I had neither the energy nor my previous enthusiasm to continue with something that now seemed irrelevant, superfluous, redundant and out of date.  It was only a hobby anyway.  Those kind folk who have followed my journal for the last three years may remember regular, if not frequent, blip entries that described the highs and lows of my journey through the safari of academia that is adult learning, just for learning's sake.  Anyway, following an email from me last December asking if I could just have some sort of accreditation and/or certificate for the taught units of the MA that I had completed between 2012 - 2014, their response, I am now quite excited to say, was to give me a new deadline, new tutor and approve a new topic for the dissertation - all to be completed by 4th September, which will, a zillion years after starting, if successful, mean that I will finally get my MA.  Processing this information and how I feel about it and certain memories, the final step in my decision that this is "good news" was when I talked to our new Headmaster mid week whose enthusiasm to support me in my new chosen topic is incredibly encouraging.  Ok, so be it.  Today I went to the library for the first time since before losing darling Dad, to study for my MA Dissertation.  He is smiling. So was I a couple of hours later at Bizim Tepe, the alumni club/bar/restaurant next to college campus, as along with several colleagues, together we celebrated surviving the first week of the second semester !!

Something else I haven't mentioned is that over the last month or two, Persembe has been gradually moving in, eating and sleeping and doing "aren't I cute?" rollovers.  It seems I am now a four cat family. 

Later: looks like I'm not the only one starting over, as Blipfuture posts news of the first board meeting here :))

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