Journey Through Time

By Sue

Calm Down!

"Put the camera down and step away from the suet!", says Darcy*, this tiny female Bushtit.   Or so it seemed from this image.  I was a little close to the suet, but there was another one they were flocking to, so I wasn't interfering all THAT much.  Calm down, Darcy. 

A few errands with Auntie, and I gotta say...and maybe you can tell from the new growth on the willow branch (is that willow? I don't know.) that we are having an early spring, since WINTER dumped everything she had on the other half of the U.S. this year. It was a beautiful day, after the fog went away.  

Thanks for dropping by and leaving stars and occasional hearts.  I do appreciate that.

* She just seemed like a Darcy to me, don't know why.

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