Come into the Garden

By aprecious


I am having an identity crisis.

Am I a water buffalo? I love water! And mud!

Am I a sea lion? I love water! And fish! And balls!

Am I a vicious creature half human/half wolf? I have a degree in psychology and an A level in metalwork* I like to lie on my back and chew bones.

Am I a cat? I like like to chase and climb on to the cat flap

Am I a bird? I like to jump from aforementioned cat flap.

Is my owner rubbish at photoshop?

I am a dog. I am a bird dog. I am a bird girl.

*This may not be the gospel truth.

Bird Girl (I know it's spellt wrong, Cath)

I have just had a text to tell me I should be in a meeting. Oops. De-mob happy? This would have been four photographs if I knew how to do it...

Edit at 12:00pm - meeting over. Who am I again?

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