By Himself

By Himself

Derelict Thursday review

There were not so many entries this week but the choice was no easier. These are my favourites, in no particular order...

Derelict in parts by houseonahill6
I like the signs of dereliction creeping over this once elegant building - I would want to go in there.

Derelict Thursday 3 by MsGable
I like this image for its quirky humour and the bold shape of the inverted lamp.

Derelict by lathyrus
A derelict building with a face. Subtle colours and strong shapes add up to make an attractive image

A walk in the garden by sylviacebula
The steps and the opening in the wall create an inviting composition and the mono treatment is perfect for the subject.

The old factory by Daenu
There  is something special about the quality of the light in this image and the subtle colouring emphasises the rusty dereliction

Herself has made here own choice HERE - do we agree an any this week?

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