
An early start as I had to be at the pool at 8am. Chatted to a Philip one of the regulars, He's in his late 50's and has been a Hawkwind fan since he was 13 and is off to London to see them in concert in a few weeks. He's been to everyone of their concerts including the Isle Of Wight and Glastonbury before it became BIG. He said that it was an alcohol free zone and totally vegetarian. Just tea, coffee and milk from the cows belonging Mike Eavis, straight from the cow. No skimmed or semi skimmed then and not pasteurised. There were large pots of lentil curry for people to eat. I think there was probably an aroma of cannabis and such like.
 After the Puffin Pool we went down to Ferry Point to see what birds were around.The tide was out and this curlew was walking along in the mud leaving many footprints. The wigeon were there again and a whole row of different waders lined up along the waters edge. The usual heron was around and a female bullfinch landed in front of me on the path.
Not a bad day, it improved in the afternoon and ended with a lovely sunset.

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