
This was taken in Manchester's newest and most unusual coffee shop, Ziferblat on Edge Street in the Northern Quarter. It's part of a chain but forget Starbucks. This chain started in Moscow in 2011 and there are only fourteen shops in the chain, twelve in Russian cities and one in London and this new enterprise in Manchester.

You have to keep your eyes peeled to find the door and when you do you have to ring for admittance. It's a revelation inside. Up a flight of stairs is a huge space. Part is N4 loft dressed with 1950s and 1960s furniture while the rest is big tables that you can work at. Around the space are coffee stations where you help yourself to as much coffee, tea and cake as you like. It costs you nothing. The wifi is free as well. Once you have finished you put your own plates in the dishwasher. It's kind of like being at home.

It makes its money by charging you for the time you spend in the space. 5p a minute. I had a coffee, a refill and a piece of coconut cake for £2.25! Try that at Starbucks. People were sat about enjoying the vibe while other people were using the space as an office and doing some work. In other stores people have been known to sit there all day beavering away on their computers, using the space as an office. The idea works well in Moscow and the London branch is on Old Street near Silicon Roundabout and benefits from the digital creative businesses that thrive in that area. The N4 has a similar vibe to it, being full of creative and digital businesses itself so, hopefully, the idea will take off here as well.

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