Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Bored ?!

2 years ago, after 28 years of working in large multinational companies I was made redundant.  I joined a small Consultancy, and, while I was thrust out of my corporate comfort zone, it was very refreshing to work for a small company where you know everyone, and your performance has a direct influence on the company's success.

I miss the perks of a big employer, the private healthcare, the pension, the security, but I don't miss the politics, and bum-on-a-seat mentality.

I can't say I haven't been tempted by offers to move back into my comfort zone, but days like today make the change worthwhile.

A few years ago my employer didn't even have an office, we were just an address. Three office moves later they have taken the lease on a classy building in Edinburgh New Town (with parking !!! oh joy!).

One of the disadvantages of my new career is that we are often on different client sites.  To address this I produce a periodical, a staff mag, with all the news, gossip, embarasing photos I can muster.  Although each edition gets bigger...and I've been busy this week pulling it all together (and chuckling at the stories).

Today I popped in to our new office to take some photos for the new edition.  Here are some of my colleagues cheesing it up in the board room ! For the picture, I asked for volunteers for some 'role play' in the Board Room and since '50 shades of shite" has been released at the movies today, I'm not sure this was the role play they had in mind when they volunteered!

Never mind boys, my camera is the only 'toy' I need!

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