
By LadyPride

Smashing meal...

The oven blew up. That's the top news story today. I put a pork belly in there to roast last night and the front glass panel exploded shattering tiny fragments of glass all over the kitchen floor (artfully photographed for today's blip - trying to find some beauty in this tragedy!)

As it was going to be in the oven for a while I'd popped out for a short walk and wasn't even in the house.

Husband arrives home, finds the alarm on, house empty and an exploded oven. To make matters worse I didn't answer my phone when he called. He then worked himself into a right lather thinking I'd had some kind of pregnancy-related oven accident and was at the hospital. I came through the door whistling 10 minutes later blissfully unaware....

The oven itself still works (although aesthetically its looked better) and we still had the pork belly which was nice. Could do without the cost of repairing the door right now though. Life loves throwing these unexpected kitchen sink dramas your way doesn't it? Hey ho.

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