'Eyes Like Stars'

By ZombieButterfly

Ladies? Where are you?

This pretty boy was showing off.... We just weren't sure who he was showing off to. He was in with the goats and kept showing off to erm.... No hens. It was quite amusing! Each time a goat tried getting to the food that the peacock was near he'd shimmy them away. I'd love to know what they thought.

Me and Nick had met up with my dad at Wingham for a day out, this was one of the handful of photos I took, Nick took the rest for the day. It is nice occasionally to see what you're doing without having one eye peering down the lens!

I have my GTT (glucose tolerance test) and next midwife appointment on the 19th then we're off to Norfolk to stay with Nick's nan for a few days. Fingers crossed we have some luck with job and house hunting this time, eh?

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