Making a concert

Let me first thank you for your lovely comments and wishes for my 3year blip anniversary yesterday! Today some new scenes about the finnish life...

A beautiful morning, -16c and sunshine

Me and hubby are members of a "Live Music assosiation" of the small town Pälkäne. The Club collected a two hour concert to the Upper elementary school for this sunday, with 40 musicians and singers. Very talented people!

We had some 330 people in the audience, all aged people: So this was a great, great, great suggess! Our first concert in 4 years... (As we were younger, we arranged annual concerts, but now only rarely) However people had not forgot us, the Live Music assosiation's Concerts, and they bought huge amount of tickets (230 sold out of 250) in advance. As the concert was almost sold out day before, we paniced in the morning and searched and carried 100 more seats to the school hall, and sold 100 more tickets from the door! Only 10euros/adult, 5e/child. Cheap prize, no profit collectiong idea.

There is very seldom any concerts in this kind of small villages (this one with only 7000 inhabitants). And these musicians, they are all from the village, farmers, teachers, secretaries... That is the secret. People like to see their own boys and girls on stage!

Hubby was mixing the concert as sound enigeer and I was keeping up the free puffet for the artists in the backstage. So this was an 10 hour day for us... Teens were helping us with the task.

There was also huge problems in the Pälkäne-village, as two main freshwaterpipes were broken during the weekend. So half of the village had to pick their water from voluntar firesquad office... People had melt water for washing also out from snow. Fortunately the school we had the happening, did have water and we had no problems fot that matter.

The broken waterpipes was good thing to remember not to take fresh water for granted.

What a day!

Late in the evening back home already, having sauna warm waiting. Nice to be able to bath after the hard job! See you later, alligators. I am done! :)

Susanna :)

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