
By theimpinside

My little robot

Went to Bournemouth today for an ARPS advisory day.  On the way back we stopped at Stoney Cross in the New Forest.  It's the site of a WW2 airfield and is very popular with the locals.  Back in the day, I used to live and work near the Forest and my recollection of the ponies is that they would bite your hands off for food, you certainly wouldn't had got anywhere near them without having your pockets rummaged or being kicked if they felt cornered.  So, imagine my surprise when we encountered a group of 30 ponies today, all standing completely still while people stroked them.  There was no nudging, biting, kicking, running away, attempt to get food at all.  They didn't even blink when I started to get "arty" with the camera.......I don't think they were real.

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