- 22 Yards One Chain -

I spent a lovely sunny day at the family home today clearing the outbuildings and grounds with my sister, nephew, brother-in-law and his mate. It was hard manual work. I made sausages, mash and onion gravy for our lunch and we ate at a picnic table outside in the sunshine. 

I found the above ancient tools in an old wooden chest. The scissor-like things are tin snips. I've used a pair of these in the past for fashioning corrugated iron into a propagating cabinet. Planes used to be made of wood. The chain is a measuring device. People of my age will recall reciting, "Twelve inches one foot, three feet one yard, twenty-two yards one chain ...." The chain survives as the length of a cricket pitch, being the distance between the stumps.

The tools are on the top of the tin trunk, in which I took my belongings to and from boarding school. I've scratched "The Who" into the surface. :)  

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